Nuoret lohduttavat toisiaan

A Support

Person in need

Do you need support in your life? Do you want to talk about important matters to you with a trustworthy adult?

With a support person from HelsinkiMissio you can spend time twice a month to share things important to you or to do something nice together. The Support Person is one of our reliable volunteers whom you can spend time with either face-to-face or remotely.

We respect your wishes when choosing your Support Person

All our support persons are volunteers trained by HelsinkiMissio. Each one is at least 20 years of age and is well-balanced in their own life. They are there for you, but they are not therapists and cannot replace professional help. A support person has an obligation of confidentiality, but in a situation affecting life or health, they are obliged to notify relevant authorities.

We will take your wishes into account, when choosing a Support Person. You can make requests about their hobbies, gender, or age. However, a Support Person is always at least five years older than you are and is trained by HelsinkiMissio for the job.

In addition to companionship, a Support Person can help you

  • to find a hobby
  • to practice getting around on your own
  • in matters concerning independence
  • regarding your studies and/or your work
  • to get a grasp on dating, friendships, and family relationships
  • in thinking about sexuality and gender identity
  • with integration and practising your Finnish

Remote Support Online

Once a week for six months you can keep in touch with a Remote Support Person, by computer or by telephone, to talk about what matters to you. A HelsinkiMissio Support Person is a volunteer, someone who is older than you are and with whom you can talk about anything. You can apply for a Remote Support Person regardless of where you live.

Sateenkaarilippu kädessä Sateenkaarilippu kädessä

Rainbow Support Person to share your thoughts

Would you like to discuss sexuality or gender identity with a safe adult? Do you need a Support Person in your life?

Our Rainbow Support people have themselves experience and understanding of matters regarding gender experience. We respect what people need in their Support Person.

You can have a Rainbow Support Person either by remote connection or, if you live in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, you can meet face-to-face. When you apply for a Support Person, please let us know if you want to have a Rainbow Support Person.

Apply for a Support Person or a Remote Support Person

You can request a Support Person if you are between 12–29 years old and you live in the greater Helsinki area. If you are between 18–29 you can request a Remote Support Person wherever you live in Finland. But if you are a minor, we ask a parent or guardian to approve the application for a Support Person. Other than that, the supportive relationship is completely confidential between a young person and their Support Person. The Support Person will not share a young person’s thoughts or conversations with their parents or guardian.

If you have recently worked with a professional helper, such as a youth counsellor, a school custodian or health nurse, or a social worker, first discuss the matter with them. They will ask us for an application form to fill in by e-mail:

If you are over 18 years old and you don’t work with professional helper, follow these steps:

  1. Book a telephone appointment in the calendar below so we can map your wishes and needs together. Choose Support Person for Youth in the drop-down menu and fill in your contact details. Use only your first name to book your appointment. You will receive a confirmation message once you have successfully booked your appointment.
  2. Be patient. You may have to wait a couple of weeks or even a few months until the right Support Person is available for you.
  3. When a HelsinkiMissio employee has found a suitable Support Person for you, they set up a start meeting. At the first meeting, the two of you introduce yourselves and you can express your wishes for the support relationship.

A Support Person is generally in each support relationship for a year. You meet your support person approximately twice a month.

With the Remote Support Person, the first meeting takes place online. When the six-month support relationship proper begins, you get in touch once a week by video chat, or by talking on the phone or chat link. The two of you can decide what suits you best.

Tyttö kuulokkeet olkapäillä

My support person has become a genuine friend and I dare to experience anything with them.

Contact us:

Corinna Sundholm

Vapaaehtoistoiminnan koordinaattori

09 2312 0227, 043 201 3195